State and Federal Partner

Financial Assistance Opportunities

National Information Sources

  • Multihazard Planning Framework for Communities in the Wildland-Urban Interface The Multihazard Planning Framework for Communities in the Wildland-Urban Interface lays out a comprehensive framework that:
    • addresses risk from wildfire and other hazards
    • encompasses scales from site to neighborhood, community, and region
    • identifies a range of planning interventions that can be used to reduce risk and maximize the benefits that forests provide across the scales of concern

It includes a planning systems audit tool, which can be used by regions and the communities within them to identify strengths, gaps, and potential areas for improvement in the jurisdiction’s planning system (plans, codes, and public investment and other programs) as they relate to multi-hazard risk.

  • Wildland Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Desk Reference Guide Designed to provide basic background information on relevant programs and terminology for those, whether community members or agency personnel, who are seeking to enhance their community’s wildfire mitigation efforts.
  • Ready, Set, Go!® program The RSG! Program tenets help residents be Ready with preparedness understanding, be Set with situational awareness when fire threatens, and to Go, acting early when a fire starts.
  • Wildfire Home Assessment Program & Checklist The Wildland Fire Assessment Program (WFAP) is a joint effort by the U.S. Forest Service and the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) to provide volunteer firefighters and non-operational personnel, such as Fire Corps members, with training on how to properly conduct assessments for homes located in the wildland-urban interface (WUI).
  • Firewise USA™ Program Firewise USA™ is a key component of Fire Adapted Communities – a collaborative approach that connects all those who play a role in wildfire education, planning and action with comprehensive resources to help reduce risk. Firewise USA™ is a program of the National Fire Protection Association.
  • NFPA/IBHS Research Fact Sheets The fact sheets cover the following topics: coatings, fencing, decks, attic and crawl space vents, and roofing materials.
  • International Code Council’s International Wildland Urban Interface Code (IWUIC)
  • National Fire Protection Association’s Standard for Reducing Structure Ignition Hazards from Wildland Fire (Standard 1144)
  • FEMA Local Mitigation Planning Handbook The Local Mitigation Planning Handbook (Handbook) is the official guide for local governments to develop, update and implement local mitigation plans. It also offers practical approaches, tools, worksheets and local mitigation planning examples for how communities can engage in effective planning to reduce long-term risk from natural hazards and disasters.
  • Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network Works with communities across the nation to create a more wildfire-resilient future. A “fire adapted community” consists of informed and prepared citizens collaboratively planning and taking action to safely co-exist with wildland fire.
  • Community Planning Assistance for Wildfire (CPAW) Working with communities to reduce wildfire risks through improved land use planning.
  • US Fire Administration/National Training Center The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) and National Fire Academy (NFA) are working to advance the professional status and expand the knowledge and skills of fire and emergency services personnel. Their free training and education programs support fire departments and emergency services organizations in preparing for, preventing and responding to fires and other hazards.

State and Regional Information Sources

  • New Jersey Fire Safety Council The NJFSC’s goal is to protect the people and property of New Jersey from the effects of catastrophic wildfires through education, awareness, innovation and action.
  • Firewise USA™ Communities List Current list of all communities in the US that are recognized as a Firewise USA™ Community by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

Partner & State Contact Directory

Federal Wildland Fire Management websites

State Forest Fire Management websites

Forest Fire Compacts websites

State forest fire programs are reinforced through forest fire compacts between the states. Established under the Weeks law and other specific legislation enacted by Congress, state forest fire compacts reduce wildfire suppression costs for local, state and Federal jurisdictions by allowing states to share personnel and equipment and by minimizing the firefighting burden on any single state during periods of high fire occurrence.

Prescribed Fire Councils websites

The purpose of a Prescribed Fire Council is to promote the exchange of information, techniques, and experiences of the prescribed fire community, and to promote public understanding of the importance and benefits of prescribed fire.

Fire Science Resources


  • National Joint Fire Science Program A Department of the Interior program designed to fund and communicate wildland fire research. Provides syntheses of large research projects on subjects such as smoke science, fuel treatment effects, and landscape resilience.
  • Fire, Fuel, and Smoke Science Lab A USDA Forest Service lab focused on developing management and modeling applications for fire spread, smoke, and fuel management.
  • Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Group A division of the National Institutes of Standards and Technology focuses on ember and firebrand spread from wildland fires into communities.
  • WUI Home Ignition Research A list of home ignition research sites including building materials research and flame radiation ignition probabilities.


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State and Federal Partner

